Last week Michael in casual conversation asked me one movie I really wanted and without even thinking I said "Dances with Wolves - extended version." I always have enjoyed stories of the frontier and pioneer life. It is probably one of my favorite time-periods to read about or watch movies on it. I am a big fan of Dances with Wolves - the cinematography, the music, the writing just really engaged me and swept me up into the story. I used to have it on VHS - the extended version which is 4 hours instead of the 3 hour original. I watched over and over and over. Whenever it was on tv - even though I owned to movie I still would end up watching it. We haven't had it on DVD yet. And when I see it in Best Buy and the likes it was always the original and I want the extended version.
When Michael was out one day last week he went looking for it - to many different stores in GJ. But didn't find it. He ended up telling me that he had been looking for it. I told him the only place I had seen the extended version was on Amazon. I really didn't think of it again. Well he went and ordered it but didn't tell me. It arrived in the mail today.
I cried. So I am sitting here with Dances with Wolves playing and a big smile on my face. I am a very lucky girl to have someone so thoughtful in my life.
ps: Michael was just filing some movies into our movie library and said he wouldn't even leave a spot for Dances with Wolves as he figured it wouldn't ever make it there. And just sit on my DVD player always.
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