Friday, September 21, 2007

Watching Oprah

I don't watch regular network TV very often as our satellite doesn't carry it (yet - that is changing) and when watching it through the rabbit ears on the tv it just doesn't come in clear. A blog I read announced that Oprah was doing intersex as the topic of her show today.

It was an okay show...I mean it probably helped bring it out in the open to educate the public. And maybe it is just because I haven't watched Oprah in years, but her questions came across as shocked and slightly judgemental to me at time yet on the other hand she was truely sincere and concerned that everyone treat everyone with acceptance. And I believe she feels that way but I didn't feel the accepting vibe when she was asking questions though. Such as one of the women she interviewed she asked if she wished she was a normal woman. And the tone and just using the word normal to me is implying she is a freak and not normal. Oprah could have asked her if she wished she wasn't intersex and got the same answer she was after and been more accepting. She also said things like under her breath know when little kids say a naughty word or even say sex or penis and then snicker...that is how it came across to she was embarassed. I would have had more respect if she just would have been straight forward and asked what do your partners say when you tell them or are you gay without the shocked and embarassed attitude. She has been a host for how long - you would think she would have heard it all by now to know how to phrase questions in a more accepting and sensitive way. Again I think Oprah really is very accepting and sincere in that acceptance, I just think she could have been more sensitive in her questions.

Next Friday she is doing transgender as the topic. We will be on the road so I will miss it.

The book that inspired her to do the topic of intersex was Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. The book I want to read after her talking about it a bit and also talking to the author. He won a Pultizer Prize for Middlesex. I think I am going to add it to my library list.

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