Friday, February 29, 2008

Gratitude Friday

I realize I have many wonderful things in my life that I am thankful for and so I express my gratitude weekly for just a few of those things.

5 Things I am thankful for....
1. Going out last night to an art exhibit and then dinner. It was a nice night out for us.
2. The wonderful weather we have been feels like spring is really here. Just waiting on the green.
3. Clients who appreciate all our hard work. We have had a few kudos this week and it was nice to hear them.
4. Almost being done with a new gallery to view my art on my website. I hope to have that up this weekend. (And hoping I get some inspiration for a new website design for my website - I think this is the longest I have went without changing the design on one of my websites.)
5. Finding some good grocery sales this week and having a stocked pantry. That always makes me feel good.

I recognize that I have much more to be thankful for in my life.

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