Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life in 2013

Just a few notes about life....

* My life is amazing right now. I just feel overwhelmed with joy. It is easy for the pain to flood in and bring me down though. So trying to hang on to all the good things in my life. Remind myself that I have super fantastic support system in my life between Michael, family, friends, and professionals in my life such as my doctor and therapist.  Hanging on to the abundance of joy and working to get the pain more under control.

* I got new glasses....first time I have worn glasses in at least 15 years.  I joked with the eye doctor that even though Colorado doesn't seem to mind me not having a glasses while driving....I do. :)  I had been driving more and didn't like not being able to read signs ahead.

* I have been working on a project due to Michael and some other people giving me a little nudge. Oddly it was my idea at first and then others were very much in support of it. It is doing things that are out of my comfort zone, but it has been good for me at that same time.  

* 2013 has been artful and creative for me. I am reading a book Poemcrazy (something I have never tried my hand at before) and I am having fun playing with words. Besides the poetry, I have many other fulfilling creative ideas and projects taking up my time. I can't imagine not having them going on now and want to explore them further. I hope to really push my creativity and art in 2013.

* Monday I had to get some X-rays done and handed Poemcrazy to Michael when I was taken back.  He is now hooked on it too. We are going to do Poetry Dates.

* As I started this is amazing right now. I really am enjoying life right now and I like who I am becoming. I feel very good about everything. I am always growing and working towards things I want in my life...for my life.

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