Monday, October 23, 2006

The Marriage Amendment

Recently one of the forums I subscribe to brought up the Marriage Amendment. It's the proposed Amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. One of the tangents in the discussion raised that it is the Bible that makes a distinction for us ... us being society, the United States and the foundation of our Constitution.

A forum participant then made the following comment: "common sense can also lead people to take a stand for the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman."

I took exception to that and replied:

It's common sense that also defied the overwhelming premise that the earth was round a few hundred years ago. But wisdom taught the world otherwise. Common sense even proclaimed that slavery was a right - yet wisdom eventually taught our country differently. The foundation of what's held as "common sense" has been so mis-aptly applied throughout the ages by the upper hierarchy of man so that the subjects and under privileged remained in control according to what social order *they* proclaim is worthy for their civilization. Wisdom allows those who are interested, to question, to explore and otherwise question the role of those who bestow "common sense" on the populace.

But if the premise reads that "common sense" can lead people to define marriage between the union of one man and one woman -- then wisdom can tell you that love knows no color, no belief, no orientation. Anywhere any doctrine, any canon , any scribe, or any law that is applied to explicitly *exclude* one segment of the populace based solely on their sexual preference is pure and unadulterated prejudice.

Pure and unadulterated prejudice does appear to be in defiance of what "God's love" is supposed to be about, no?

But thankfully we do currently live in a country of *choice* - and while one might want to subscribe to a party of "common sense," I choose the path of wisdom. It's interesting to point out that while some contribute gays and lesbians as a catalyst of social decay -- might actually want to take a long hard look at the countries that support gay rights. They are not in chaos or out having sex with sheep -- contrary to what "common sense" might believe.

In fact, one might be surprised that when the government minds their own business and stays out of the affairs between consenting adults -- the neighbors tend to get along better with one another. But alas, "common sense" is probably trying to reinvent the United States to become that of the fabled Eden.. ...which is neither viable or possible today...

Sorry "common sense," wisdom clearly wins here.

I'm a heterosexual male - and I approve of this message...

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