Wednesday, February 10, 2010


* We took 6 large trash bags, one large box and one small box to Good Will yesterday. Most of it was clothing. When I moved from Ohio to Colorado I remember getting rid of something like 9 large trash bags of clothing so please tell me how I can still be getting rid of more things? I haven't bought a lot of clothing since being here. Going through the clothing though I did have a flood of memories come up. All good but it made me miss my friends in Ohio and the wonderful times I had with them.

* I had a dentist appointment yesterday. It looks like I will have 2 follow up. No cavities but some tarter issues and a chip in a cavity that needs repair.

* I woke up with a bad cold this morning. Sore throat, stuffy, body aches...just the works. Drinking OJ and taking airborne.

* I think the newest med I am on for sciatica and neuralgia is working. We have been working the dose and finally found the one that seems to be doing the job.

* It looks like I might be going to visit a friend in April. I get so excited thinking about the possibility. Thinking of the things I should bring and things I want to do while there. I know it will be amazing.

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