Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mayhem ... in every sense of the word ....

Usually I'm pretty good at handling the stress and strain of things coming and going.  But every once in a while it just gets to be too much. That's how it's been for the last several weeks. We haven't had a lot of downtime since the last part of February. But we do trying to take advantage of what available downtime we have.

For instance, we have been going to the drive-in with really good frequency mainly because it allows us to have some down time without getting phone calls, e-mails and other interruptions. It's a good break and being able to spend quality time with Darby enjoying a picnic-type dinner while watching good movies underneath the stars iis really well worth it.

We need to get back into the habit of doing our poetry dates again as they were good releases for us. Now that some rather large projects are behind us I hope that we can pick up our dates again.

So if you have been wondering where we have run off to, we haven't gone far they've just been incredibly busy.

We hope everyone has had a safe, fun, wonderful summer so far.

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