Thursday, July 23, 2009

Everything comes back

"It's always better to give too much, pay too much, and love too much, than not enough.

But then, Darby, since everything comes back to you anyway, can there ever be too much?

I love you too much anyway,
The Universe"

I enjoy the notes from the universe. I think they are just good solid affirmations. This one is several days old, but I am just catching up on some email tonight. And it made me think of the seafood adventure. Our waitress got chewed out by the table next to us. And chewed out for things that were unfair and just so uncaring or unobservant.

She was called away to the front. She asked someone to cover her. While she was gone, the table next to us started complaining about her. And when the person that was covering came over, they asked her for a manager. They complained about things that just didn't really sound reasonable - at least to me.

When our waitress came back, they really were rude in complaining. And they said something about a plate of food that had been on the table and she said, "well I thought you guys were eating off it still as their was food on it." The man said, "oh yeah that is an excuse you knew it was just sitting there." They never said to her please take this plate we are done with it. They just expected her to mind-read. And know they were done with it even though it had food on it.

On top of all their complaining - just being a waiter/waitress is a very hard job. And that place was packed and the people in and out was crazy. I think she was doing exceptional for keeping up with everyone's drinks and clearing plates and just being helpful. I guess I give a little slack in those type of situations where it is crazy busy. I mean we had a 3 hour wait. I think having to deal with people all night - that all had 3 hours waits - the tension gets a little high. You have to tread carefully. And I felt she did that well.

The waitress was full-figured and it was the last rude comment right after she left their table that did me in - the man at the table with a huge beer belly said, "No wonder she is fat she sits around on her lazy ass." The woman was running all over that place and obviously more in shape then the guy and he said that. It drove me nuts.

They left shortly after and our waitress came back to our table to clear dishes away and refill water. It was very obvious she had been crying. My Mom stopped her and told her how uncalled for that table was and that she was doing a good job. We all told her were very happy with our service. She really smiled and you could tell appreciated all our comments. I hoped we had made up for the table next to us and gave her more then they took.

The note from the universe made me think that those people gave to everyone around them - not just the waitress. And what you give out - you get back so maybe that is why they were like that. They get back so much rudeness they just turn around and give it out and it comes back tenfold. Maybe one day they will see that opening their eyes to the people around them, being compassionate and appreciative will give you a lot more back. Make you feel so much better. At least I can hope for a world that everyone does that.

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