2. Tree: real or artificial? growing up it was always a real tree in the living room and then sometimes an artificial in the family room. Michael and I have an artificial because of the cats. We think a real one would make them investigate it more. I do have to say I have some really good memories from my past - going to a tree farm where we got to go pick out our tree. Walking in the snow out through the farm was just really a nice memory.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually after Dec. 6th. Because of Michael's birthday.
4. When do you take the tree down? Around the 6th of January
5. Do you like eggnog? No and Michael's Dad I believe thinks that is a sin against Christmas. :)
6. Favourite gift received:
Really there have been so many wonderful gifts over the years...just a few coming to mind when I was a little girl a doll named Stephanie and when I was a teenager a pink long wool coat....favorite gift from Michael is these the little drawers...

7. Do you have a nativity scene set up? yes sort of. It has a manger, angels and sheep and that is it
8. Hardest person to buy for: Michael because most of the time if he wants something he gets it. And although he has interests and hobbies, quite a few of them I have problems buying things for because I have no knowledge of them.
9. Easiest person to buy for: Several of my friends are very easy to buy for - I see things for them all the time. Carolynn - purple, tea and socks. Jessica - dragonflies, lipgloss and bath stuff. Moni - tweetie bird, bath stuff and coffee
10. Worst gift ever received: I have received some clothing items over the years that just haven't seemed like me. Those are probably the worst gift.
11. Christmas cards: I like sending them out and I like getting them.
12. Favorite Christmas movie: Miracle on 34th Street and Polar Express
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try to start in September or October but mostly it gets done in November and December.
14. Have you ever "recycled" a Christmas present? yes I have when something just didn't fit me but I knew it would fit someone else. I don't want it to go to waste. First I try to return it though. If I can't then I will try to find it a good home.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas: everything sweet! I have a total sweet tooth...sour cream cookies, chocolate caramels, cardamom cookies, my Mom's pecan tarts....and so on and so on
16. Are the tree lights clear, colored, or both? colored but solid colored. We have all red lights on our tree. Someday when we get another house -- I hope to have more then one tree and something else - all white or blue or even the multi-colored lights.
17. Favorite seasonal song: Grown Up Christmas List
This is Kelly Clarkson but really my favorite version is by Amy Grant
18. Do you travel or stay home for Christmas? We usually stay home. We went to my parents in 2004 and last year we went to Michael's parents. But this year we are just staying at home and enjoying Christmas with just us.
19. Can you name Santa's reindeer? Blitzen, Donner, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid and Rudolph (are there any I am missing?)
20. Do you have an angel or a star on top of your tree? We have a star. I have a beautiful angel that now sits on our table on a metal charger because there is now way our little tree would have been able to hold it. But more then that we really wanted to have a star. We still haven't found the perfect one. We found one we loved 2 years ago after Christmas but it again was too heavy. This year I found a metal white washed star ornament but fairly large and so Michael drilled some holes in it and we tied it to the top with jute. It works but I think neither of us are totally satisfied with it yet.
21. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? Christmas morning. Growing up my family always did gifts on Christmas eve and stockings and gifts from other relatives Christmas day. It always made Christmas very magical for me when we did them on Christmas eve because the candles, the glow of the snow through the windows.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year: the busy and loss of just spirit of Christmas
23. Favorite seasonal tradition: putting up the tree with Michael tied with going out on Christmas Eve looking at lights. We stop at Starbucks and get hot drinks to keep us warm while driving around.
24. Family member you try to stay away from: Not really anyone. I don't get to see my family very often so enjoy all time with them.
25. Do you attend any religious services in celebration? No not really anymore. Except when with family. But Michael and I don't. We just celebrate our beliefs right at home.
ps: Just as I am about to post this Grown Up Christmas List sung by Amy Grant came on XM Holiday Holly channel.
1 comment:
psssssst ... "Dasher" :)
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