- A $7 toy that you pull the string and it goes walking across the floor
- A crumpled up piece of aluminum foil??
Answer: The crumpled up piece of aluminum foil or course....
- An $8 crumple sack from PetsMart
- A sack from WalMart??
Answer: You guessed it -- the WalMart sack...
- The $12 pet bed
- The small box you get from Sam's Club??
Answer: Yep -- the Sam's Club box...
It has to be a human thing we try to instill on our furry felines: that somehow getting the pretty fancy feathered toy from the PetsMart shelves is going to be better than the dangling shoelace when I take my shoes off.
They dive bomb for the shoelace the moment it comes in view.
It doesn't take a lot to entertain them sometimes -- sometimes it merely takes a little creativity and the ability to think like a cat ... which usually means: think small, think quick, think lightweight.
The boy will come to me around 10pm tonight -- we got them some new shoelaces so I think they'll be glad to have more toys to play with ... even though we could conceivably wrap up the same toys they have now and give it to them and they'll act just like they did on Christmas morning.
Bottom line though: cats just love the attention they receive ... regardless of the toy you give them.
We love them!

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