12. I collected teapots. I don't collect teapots as much now. When I moved out on my own for the first time I bought a black teapot to sit on a pretty little mat on my dining room table. I didn't at the time drink tea but the thought of drinking tea appealed to me. After that first teapot though, I was hooked on them. I just enjoy all the different looks to each of them. I found so many pretty and interesting ones that I just started collecting them.
Eventually a good friend of mine had a tea party and I had a tea I really enjoyed. And now I enjoy tea often. But I still don't use my teapots for tea very often. But still enjoy seeing them. In our dining room there is a wall of cabinets and space between the top cabinets and ceiling so I have used it as a display for most of my teapots. Some of these pictures are fuzzy as I was standing on a step ladder to get a better view of the teapots on top of the cabinets but I was shaking standing on the little step.

My Mom gave me several of my Grandma's teapots. Some of them my Grandparents got as wedding gifts and never been used. This is one of my favorite. I love the handpainted wispy flowers on it. It again was also my Grandma's.

This teapot with the cornhusks on it is one of those teapots my Grandparents got as a wedding gift. It still has the stickers on it. When my Mom gave me them all she put inside them little tags of when they were given to my Grandma/Grandparents. So inside this one is a tag that has my Grandparent's wedding date on it.

This is one I bought myself -- I like the brass handle but for actually pouring tea out of it -- not very practical.

This teapot was a gift early in my teapot collecting days. It probably isn't one I would have picked out but the person who gave it to me was special to me and I know exactly why he got it for me so it does have meaning.

Last year sometime my Mom sent me a box of things she was storing for me at her house. In the box was this UGLY monky teapot. I asked Mom about it and she said she wasn't sure where it came from and thought since I collected teapots maybe it was mine. I keep intending to put it in a goodwill box but always forget but now after this post hopefully I won't.

This is my favorite teapot that my sisters gave me. I just love the delicate pattern on it. I have actually use it for tea too.

The wicker handle on this teapot makes it hard to pour from also. I think this was one of my Grandmother's again but this came in that box with the monkey teapot so it wasn't clear on where it came from. The teapot has six little teacups with it, but most of the teacups are unfortunately chipped. But I do love the look of it and all the little teacups. I often display it on our table.

This is what I call my everyday teapot. It is one I use more often then others. I got the plate meaning to use it for cookies and such. I picked it up in North Carolina at World Market when I was there on girls weekend. It was on clearance and I just liked the look of it. I got back from the trip and Michael and I went into World Market in Denver as I had told him about the coffee selection they had there. He LOVES coffee so we are always looking for places with good whole bean coffee. And so we went in and of course I went to look at clearance and there was the teapot that matched the plate I picked up just a few days earlier in North Carolina.
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