Tuesday we did lots of errands and were going to go to The Dark Knight but ended up not being at a good time for us. We ended that day out by taking a drive around some neighborhoods near us. We have so many new neighborhoods popping up around us. There used to be a pasture to one side of our neighborhood and now there is a new neighborhood going up. They have a fence all around it but no houses yet. Anyway we drove through this one neighborhood and I was getting hung up on doors. Both Michael and I have a thing about doors. We like big solid looking doors and this neighborhood seemed to have quite a few good looking doors. As we were talking about one we just saw we turned the corner and I think stopped talking I mid-sentence as we were driving past "the" house -- at least it was on the outside. It had the right look. We both really liked it. I want to go past again to get a picture of it. The entrance, the garage doors, the stucco, the door, the sidewalk leading to the door -- all were just perfect for us. It reminded me very clearly of the goals we are working towards....a house like that.
Wednesday we ran a few more errands and then went to The Dark Knight. I was a Heather Ledger fan. So I had some mixed feelings about going -- because I was worried I would cry -- while watching a Batman movie. And I did. There were 2 scenes that he just rocked in....he played psycho very good. And he was so good he made me cry. Probably very silly but we are movie people so seeing that kind of performance made me miss what could have been with him. After the movie we picked up Chinese take out and came home to relax. Possibly grossness factor coming up...When I climbed into bed, I noticed something alarming....the bottom of my heel was covered in blood. I remembered instantly what must have caused it. At the movie theater I was walking down the aisle and turned to Michael to see if where I was going to sit was okay with him and I took a step back as I turned. There was this metal and concrete slab that the chairs were bolted too. My heel hit it pretty hard and it hurt but I didn't really think much more of it. During the move I felt something sticky on my shoe but again I thought we are in a movie theater I stepped in some sticky pop. Evidently I bleed quite a lot and it pooled in my sandal so that is why my heel was covered in blood. Michael said he saw it walked out of the theater but he figured I knew about it. I didn't - I mean it hurt but it felt like a stubbed toe -- hurts a lot but my mind didn't go to I actually cut myself...I just banged it. So I cleaned it up before bed, it looked worse then it actually was but it is pretty damn gross that I bleed so much during the movie that my heel was that covered in blood.
Today was just working on a clients logos, doing some housework and I also hope to finish Breaking Dawn. I am liking it but liked the first 3 books better.
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