Michael and I have been sick. He was sick and I thought I was getting spared but then I let up on the airborne for one day and...the next day I woke up with it in my lungs. And of course that was yesterday, the day we were doing the live broadcast in Denver. So I was pretty much muddling through it. I looked horrible and wasn't very social or with it.
After we got everything loaded up, I couldn't breath. I was having a pretty bad asthma attack. Michael asked me if I wanted to go to the ER and I shook my head no as I couldn't talk. Not enough oxygen. Michael stopped and picked me up some things to help me. Just went out of his way to do everything he could to make me calm and better. As I said in yesterdays post, I am very grateful for all him and all he did to make me feel better.
The live broadcast went so well yesterday. Michael invested in a new piece of equipment that allows for really high quality streaming. And being the technology geek he is he was in heaven how well it rocked everything he gave to it.
Today we just really were taking it easy. We needed to go to SAM's for more airborne and a few other things. And also Tuesday Morning as they had a good sale ad. We picked up a couple packages of pillow cases there.
Tonight we watched National Treasure 2 and had take-n-bake pizza. So just taking it easy and trying to get over our colds.
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