Since we ended up staying here today we had some time to do our Christmas cards. I got them all done and all in the mail. I think this is the first year in many that I got them done so early. That includes all the business ones too. Michael sat and did those while I did ours and then we swapped piles to sign.
I hadn't planned on us eating at home today because we were suppose to be gone. And our fridge was pretty empty. We had brunch as I had eggs and cheese in the fridge. I had some little packages of ham frozen from the last time we had ham. So I took one of those out and defrosted in the microwave and we had omelets. Michael makes the best omelets. For dinner we splurged and went to a new chinese buffet here. It was really good but I still think I like our other a bit better.
So as I said we are going to head to Denver. We are going to be there until Saturday. Michael's Dad is having surgery tomorrow morning so we are going over for that and we have business the end of the week there too. Please keep Michael's family in your thoughts and prayers. And us for safe travel tomorrow.
Most likely won't have any posts all week - just depends on if I have time at the computer.
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