I made
scones for breakfast on Wednesday. They are more healthy then normal scones and I like them better. I so enjoy the flavor. Only thing is this time they didn't get as puffy as usual.

I just finished
Marked (House of Night, Bk. 1) by PC Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast. This is a young adult book. When Twilight came out, I didn't want to read it as I feared it would be too high schoolish and immature for me to enjoy but I was very wrong about that. Meyers did a good job in creating a timeless book that was about a high schooler but not immature. Marked though has some things in it that hit that immature/high schoolish feel that I was worried about with reading YA fiction. The story and premise of the book though is really interesting. It is about a society where some people just have a gene/dna that become active at a certain age and makes them start the transition from human to vampyre (their spelling of the word vampire). They are marked at a certain age to show what they are becoming. When that time hits, they go to vampyre school (vampyre charm school is what most call it in reviews online) to learn about the changes that they will go through and help them get through the change. The feelings of what happens when you are marked...how society treats them -- made me think of the AIDS epidemic in the mid-1980 and how people treated those infected with AIDS. It was like they were instantly horrible people. I could see a lot of potential with the plot of the book but they have things in it - speech at times, just books and music they talk about that will date the book fast. This book is the first in a series and although I wasn't thrilled with some aspects of the book, I most likely will read the rest of the series

I have been busy with work the last couple days...coding, coding, coding. Of course it is good that we are busy.

Made fettuccine Alfredo with sliced chicken on top for dinner on Valentine's. And today I am making stew. The onion I cut though pretty much did me in as it was so strong. It took lost of spraying of vinegar to neutralize the smell.

The library sent me notice that the next book I had on hold is ready but they are closed on Monday for President's Day so it will have to wait until Tuesday.
Uglies another young adult book that I have heard good things. I read about it on the
author's website too and really thought it sounded interesting.
I was discussing with another friend about my YA kick lately and we both thought maybe it is because we skipped YA fiction while young adults. I think I went from Little House on the Praire and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to trashy romance novels and V.C Andrews books.

In doing a search on
GoodReads.com I found Blood and Chocolate. I didn't realize it was a
book. I just received the
movie in the mail from Netflix today.
Well I need to get to work - getting darbyart.com back up!
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