a death
a wedding
trip to Utah
contact from an old friend
sold a piece of art that really meant a lot to me
4 year anniversary with Michael
Sent out several Valentine's cookie packages
My sister's came so Michael could tape us for a video
zipping through books
A friend lost her infant son
Started a round robin with altered book -- but that has kind of stalled now - and really hope eventually I will get my book back as I really liked what I did with it.
My parents 40th Wedding Anniversary
Wonderful day trip
Remembering our friend that died in 2006
My sister sent me old letters my Mom wrote when she was pregnant with me and when had just been born....they were great stories and really such a treasure to have
Cali died
Read a really good book by Marge Piercy
Art & Jazz Festival
Bought some really great art
Trip to Denver
Painted the deck...which was oh so fun!
Leaving for our trip
visited the town I grew up in
Celebrating my parent's 40 years of marriage
Read The Mermaid Chair and really related to it
Celebrating Michael's 1 year of owning his own business
Really starting to think about turning 40
Made amazing scones with whole wheat
Tracked down an old friend and was contacted by her
Michael had an extended out of town work trip
I taught a class for Artspace
Out of town with Michael for a few days while he was working
Finished West Wing
Getting ready for a big trip
Heavy art month for me
Out of town for a couple weeks
Hair really cut off!
Lots of fun decorating for Halloween
Out of town for my birthday
Michael spoiling me like a Princess
Seeing my parents for my birthday
Wrote an article to be published in March
Project Runway starts! yay! my guilty pleasure
Thanksgiving! Yummy!
Michael's BIRTHDAY! yay!
Decorating for Christmas!
Baking Baking Baking
A good friend had her baby (yesterday)! yay! So happy for her and her husband!
Now there were countless times not making the list that were just so special and important to me. There were times of just taking a little us time in the middle of the afternoon...times snuggled up in bed laughing and talking....times that just are truly are the moments that make my life special everyday.
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