Where did you bring in the New Year? at home watching movies
Who were you with? Michael
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? yes!
Did you make any resolutions? I don't make resolutions just try to be a better person, treat people with kindness and respect and do my best in everything.
2007 Your Love Life...
Did you break up with anyone? no
Did you get anything for Valentine's day? yes -- a few years ago Michael bought me my art domain for Valentines so he renews it for me. It is nice loving a geek!
Did you meet anyone special? People with Artspace. Everyone I have met there has been really great! And Jessica introduced me to Angie and she is a fantastic friend too.
Did you fall in love? Yes.....with Michael all over again.
2007 Friends and Enemies...
Did you meet any new friends this year? yes
Did any of your friendships end? yes
Did you dislike anyone? yes
Did you make any new enemies? I am sure of it.
Who was your closest friend? Michael always is the person I turn to first but this year I also really relied on Aydeen, Jessica, Caroylnn, Kaylee, Jen and Mandy
Who did you grow apart from? More people than I wanted.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? That a few ended with reasons that seemed very odd, one was lying and that I didn't keep in contact with Aydeen as much as I wanted too.
2007 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
How old did you turn? the big 4-0
Did you have a cake? No -- at my request
What did you do for your birthday? My parents came to celebrate with me and we spent the day at Denver Art Museum and then we all went to dinner and Michael's parents joined us too.
Did you have a party? No...thank goodness
Did you get any presents? Yes...many many....Beauty and the Beast from Michael along with several other things and then my dear sweet sisters decided to be cute and gave me 40 gifts! As much as I didn't want to be reminded I was 40.....I did like their present it was very cute!
2007 All about you...
Did you change at all this year? yes
Did you dye your hair? yes several times!
Did you get your hair cut? yes....7 inches off
Did you change your style? not really just cut it much shorter
Did you get good grades? well in 2007 I wasn't in school
Did you have a job? Work for Michael designing websites and then also create art
Did you drive? If I have too....but I don't like to.
Did you own a car? No not this year, I gave my car to a person that was in need a few years ago.
Did you move at all? No
Did you go on any vacations? We did a few road trips. We went to Moab just for the night. And then we went to Minnesota to celebrate my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary. We also went to Louisiana but that was for work although we had a nice time together on the road.
Did you leave the country at all? No
Would you change anything about yourself now? weight always but it is a road block for me emotionally and mentally. Maybe I can get through some of that this new year.
2007.....Wrap Up.
Was 2007 a good year? yes I really feel it was a very good year for the business, our relationship, family time, health and just overall.
Do you think 2008 will top 2007? yes I believe it will be even better then 2007.
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