My Soul to Keep
and the sequel and which book did I come home with?? My Soul to Keep! Facepalm...Doh! It was funny I climbed into bed with the book - open it to the first page - and read 2 lines and closed it. And moaned. Michael said, "already read it huh?" I said, "yes!" So I went on to one of the other books I picked up - The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. --- Okay side note just was doing a search for the book so I could include a link to a review of it and IMDB.com came up! It is so weird because last night while reading it I thought this should be a movie. And it is going to be - Ryan Gosling is going to be Jack. I will definitely want to see that movie. I am loving the book. The story - the main plot of it - horrid what happens. But how the story is being told....is such an interesting perspective. The emotions of the book...I feel the pain Susie's sister feels. I feel the pain of Jack. I am really glad I checked it out. (A video book review from blue rectangle and Wikipedia)
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