Michael - There will never be enough words or even the right words to express my gratitude for Michael. I am grateful that I found someone with so many wonderful qualities - funny, smart, handsome, sexy, generous, kind, talented, creative and much much more. I am grateful for the journey we share together. Thank you! I love you Michael!
Moni - I am grateful to my good friend Moni. I miss her so much. She always gave me support during hard time and to the ear to just hash things out. You are a good friend and I love you!
meditation - I am grateful for the time and practice of medication - it makes me feel better - more centered.
Michael Parkes - I really enjoy his art and grateful that he shares his talent through his beautiful, mysterious work.
mixed media art - I grateful for all the mix media works that inspire me to push myself as an artist.
music - It really is like the next word...music is a memory. I am grateful for the words, the sound that make memories or create an emotion in the moment that will be thought of and felt forever.
memories - I am grateful to all the wonderful memories I have...from those that are still here and for those that aren't...I do cherish them.
movies - grateful to the hours and hours of entertainment movies provide. And tomorrow night I will be watching Casino Royale and drooling!
mulled cider - I love mulled cider. It is not the season for it but in the fall it is a wonderful taste and aroma.
Mom - I am grateful to my Mom. She is a great Mom....gave me wonderful special times and supported me through all my life...good and bad times.
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