Last night I ironed and ironed and ironed! And I am still not done with all the ironing. While ironing and folding clothes last night -- I must confess I watched a guilty pleasure movie. One that when I said I wanted to watch Michael looked at me like...."where did Darby go." The movie: Urban Cowboy. I can't stand country music yet I love all the music in that movie. I don't even know why I like the movie in general. So I watched it and sang with the music as I ironed. I also watched 2 episodes of Hex. I must have missed at least 1 or 2 episodes so thought I wouldn't get it enough to get hooked into it but I did...sucked into right away. Thelma and Maya - yay! I am so glad Themla has someone. And they make such a cute couple! Just so perfect for each other.
Michael and I had a few errands to run yesterday. I have been on the search for a pair of shoes to wear with the outfit he bought me several months ago. But I hadn't much luck. Yesterday we went to Target and I picked up a pair of shoes that actually I kind of cringed at when I looked at them up but knew they would look good because of the color of my blouse. They were kind of a bronze thong sandal. But really metallic not my thing - at least not since I was in high school. But I tried them on...OMG the comfort! Unfortunately they weren't my size too big (they were in the wrong box when I picked them up thinking they were my size.) So Michael suggested 2 other places to check, but now of course I was hooked on those so we are going to go to Target in Denver to see if I can find them. I hope I find them...they really were so comfortable.
Well I suppose I should go finish packing.
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