* A little tidbits I learned from commentary season 5 first episode - Joss is a Dixie Chick fan and he put had Fred putting that poster up in her office not only because of the political upset they caused but also because he is a huge fan of theirs. He also saw a photograph in that CD booklet that was of a sign that said "we are changing the way we do business." And he felt Fred was worried she wasn't going to be living up to department head that she was weak and not strong. And Joss thought Dixie Chicks are strong and basically so is Fred and so that would be coming out in season 5.

We ran some errands the other day and then ran into Tuesday Morning. We hadn't been in there in quite awhile. And we ended up buying a few things. When I moved and then moved again I got rid of lots of things like plates, silverware and glasses because those are really things to me that can be replaced easily. A well loved cookie sheet not so easy to replace so I kept things like that but didn't keep some dishes. When I moved in with Michael, him being a bachelor for quite a while he had mis-matched plates and silverware but GLASSES oh my! He had every size and full sets (more then one set on some) of juice, double old fashioned, tumblers, one other size that I think is for like a mixed drink maybe a highball or collins, several different types of wine glasses and then cordial, margarita, champagne, and a couple beer mugs. So we don't ever look at glasses because there are more then enough in this house. Today though of course I spotted on the back of the shelf that had that hand-blown glass feel. A set of 6 - all different colors. And showed them to Michael and he liked them too. He said, "more glasses?" So I am going to get ride of one set for this set.

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