Friday Gratitude using the letter ~ I ~
inspiration - there is so much inspiration out in the world. Sometimes I don't see it...maybe I don't want to see it. But more and more I see it...and I really do feel it coming to me more in the last year. I am very blessed to receive it and see it all sorts of forms.
Italian food - I really love pasta and just the flavors that come from Italian cooking...olive oil, garlic, basil I think are 3 staples of my cooking. So I am grateful to all the flavorful Italian food I have eaten and hope to eat for a long long time.
identity - I am grateful to know who I am....and not be afraid to acknowledge this is who I am.
integrity - One word that goes to the core of my beliefs. Integrity keeps me going forward and having faith in people and also lets others know I will not let them down and be true.
Internet - Well this one I am thankful for otherwise I wouldn't have been able to be even posting this fine list! I am very thankful for the Internet. I have met some amazing people via the Internet....including Michael so I am grateful for it.
icons - the little 100 x 100 pixel box that I use in each post because I am a visual person. I like to show emotions, likes and interests in a visual way as well as with words.
improvement - Always room for improvement and I am thankful for just growing and moving forward.
imperfect - I am grateful to be imperfect which kind of goes with the above one of improvement. But really why I am listing it is because I don't like things to be perfect. Especially when creating art. I don't measure. I don't want things even and perfect. I want things to just be as is...flawed, messy and beautiful in that.
India ink - I really like what India ink can do on paper. I am thankful for its inspiration, it movement, its feel from harsh to soft.
iconology - The word iconography literally means "image writing." And it something I have always enjoyed. I look at images and try to see their meaning, intent and significance. I especially enjoy looking at the symbols in religious iconology.
ice cream - yum! I am thankful for the cold cream treat! Ben and Jerry's Brownie Fudge is my favorite store bought in a carton. But Cold Stone Creamery is my absolute favorite. And I don't have a favorite mix or flavor I just go with what sounds good in the moment.
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