Friday, October 26, 2012

Gratitude Friday

photo by me of some leaves here in GJ
I am thankful for...
1. being able to come home and get in bed after having some long days this week.
2. getting a chance to talk to my Mom after playing phone tag for the last few days
3. seeing the leaves blow in the wind and sunshine making them sparkle on Tuesday,
4. the cool fall day which left lots of leaves that crinkled when you walked across them making it feel like autumn on Wednesday
5. playing with my new camera and taking photos of leaves with Michael
6. the book The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown for being amazing...eye opening,
7. my therapist who again amazes me by helping me see the big picture and navigate through it
8. Michael going to the dentist and being brave! He got a wisdom tooth pulled that was decaying all the way down to the nerve.
9. Michael always being there for me

* I did some gratitude posts on Facebook this week and so these are little snippets from them

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