The end of May my sciatica came back and it is just getting worse and worse. To the point that this month - I can't stand or sit very long. Laying down seems to give me the most relief at this time, but still is very painful and have to readjust positions often.
Because I am in such pain, I am falling behind on things around the house and other things such as working on my website and doing art. But I have been reading like a mad-woman. I am going through a book in a day or two. My library requests aren't keeping up with me so in between waiting for them - I am rereading the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I have most of them so keep pulling them off the shelf in between my library books. I am almost to the point in the series where I stop liking the series.
I am also reading the Highlander series by Karen Marie Moning and going to reread her Fever series after the Highlander series. If you haven't read anything by Karen Marie Moning and like bodice ripper type books - read her.
Books are the only thing keeping me from drowning right now. When I am in this kind of pain cycle, it starts to bring me down. My depression starts weighing on me and I feel myself sinking into it. I get why. I understand it logically but trying to fight it has nothing to do with logic. It has nothing to do with even seeing it happening - even though recognizing it is good so I can see I need to fight it. It is just hard and tiring. Books though have become the only thing that keeps my mind from sinking into it.
So that is where things are at the moment. I just thought I would try to get a life update posted so that people didn't think I fell off the earth.
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