On Facebook I have been doing gratitude posts here is the ones I did this month...
November 2: I am thankful that political ads and phone calls will stop (at least until the next election season starts)
November 3: Today I am thankful that my love made pancakes for dinner! They were great. Thanks honey! You are the best!
November 5: Today I am thankful for the beautiful day we had, the aroma of banana bread baking, nice emails catching up with some friends, people in my life who have gone out of their way this week to help me solve some problems. I recognize I have many things in my life that are blessings.
November 8: Today I am thankful for the beautiful state I live in - Colorado is breathtaking. Today the Mt. Garfield had some light hitting it but with dark clouds behind and it looked gorgeous.
November 10: Today I am thankful for beautiful fall trees, toasted homemade bread, wonderful friends helping me with a project, warm fuzzy socks, inspiration in unusual places and Michael fixing my computer.
November 11: Today I am thankful for all the soldiers, both past and present, who put their lives on the line every day for our country.
November 12: Today I am thankful for Michael making breakfast for dinner and being so great when I am extremely scatterbrained lately (thank you Michael I love you!), shopping for our soon-to-be niece, sweater weather and hot tea.
November 14: Today I am thankful for Michael getting me a purple phone, hot chocolate, Sunday breakfast, phone calls with my Mom and a stack of books on my nightstand.
November 18: Today I am thankful for leftovers so I didn't have to fix dinner, mail love, a beautiful handmade scarf from a fabulous friend, a Turkey Day present and a new member of our family (a cousin had a baby).
November 23: Today I am thankful that my niece is at home with her parents, for good friends that offer words of comfort in difficult times, that I have a good start on our Thanksgiving meal for Thursday and for good memories that come in unexpected ways such as tonight when I opened my Betty Crocker cookbook.
November 24: Today I am thankful for my love Michael...he is an amazing man. Very kind, giving, supportive, funny, smart and mixture of qualities that make my heart fill with an abundance of love.
November 25: Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am so blessed to have amazing friends and family. I am thankful for the troops here and overseas serving. With all the struggles of this past year - I know that I have things everyday to be grateful for... I am blessed. And I am thinking of all those who are homeless, sick, without jobs and not able to be with people they love during the holidays.
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