* Saw New Moon this weekend - I liked it a lot more than Twilight.
* I lent Michael's Mom my Twilight book. She has seen the movie but not read any of the books. I am guessing will want to see the movie again after reading the book.) It was kind of cute how excited she was to see New Moon.
* We go to Denver this week - leave Wednesday won't be back until Saturday.
* I am so behind on all my holiday things this year and it is really annoying me.
* I finished An Echo in the Bone - the 7th book in the Outlander series...and it left me wondering when book 8 will be out. It frustrated me at times. I love Jamie & Claire and Roger & Brianna so I was eager to keep moving through the book. And it had surprises for me that I never thought I would see....so it was very good over all. But I want book 8 NOW! (imagine me stamping my feet like a four year old.)
* I doubt I will be reading much more until after the holidays as I am just so behind on everything. But I did pass my total for last year on reading. I am at 130 right now. I have 2 books I am reading now that I will finish before the new year I am sure so it will probably end at 132.
That is about it for now. Doubt I will be able to update again until after we get back from Denver.
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