Darby and I have gotten the system down pretty good though:
1.) I cue Darby that the boy needs to bathe and I'll usually keep a close eye on him where I know where he's at.
2.) She'll clean out the bathroom sink and fill two large pitchers full of water and get towels -- a LOT of towels....
3.) She'll cue me and I'll scoop the boy up ... well ... he knows immediately what that means -- and he instantly becomes an unhappy camper.
4.) We start by putting him in the sink and dousing him with one of the pitchers of water to get his coat very soaked... yes - he complains during this time very LOUDLY I might add.
5.) Next comes the soap. We use a Neutrogena hypo-allergenic hand soap which works pretty well. We lather the affected spot as well as his remaining coat and give it a good once through.
6.) Next comes the rinse and by this time he is a VERY unhappy camper and wants OUT of the bathroom. We struggle and try to get all of the soap off of him.
7.) Finally after I'm done rinsing him -- I pick him up and bounce him up and down to get the bulk of the water off of him. Darby is preparing the towel for the wrap ....
and viola'!

Instant kitty burrito.
In all - I know we help him out - even if he really doubts that part of it. Ultimately though - as what happened today a few hours later - he comes for loves and I think deep down he understands. He's very unhappy about it - but he gets it.
1 comment:
AWWWW that's a kitty who is waiting for a time when you close your eyes and go to sleep to exact its revenge :) Lala
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