* Made 2 loaves of french bread yesterday. I made meatballs earlier in the day so I just need to heat sauce and make pasta for dinner. Oh and throw the salad together too. So the house smelled really good yesterday.

* I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. Many will recognize that name from HBO's True Blood. It is the books that True Blood is based on. I read book 1 last night - in one sitting. I put the order in for the library for the next 3. The first half of the book is all the episodes I had seen of True Blood. I just couldn't keep up with them because of my schedule at the time they were airing so I just ended up deleting them all. Of course now I am wishing I would have just kept them on the DVR indefinitely - at least until I could watch them as I really enjoyed book one. It is very different from Anita Blake series by Laurell Hamilton but I get the same amused entertained feelings after reading it. I just enjoyed it. It wasn't deep but I couldn't put it down as I just was thoroughly entertained.
* migraines this week - woohoo - NOT. But I feel like I accomplished quite a bit this week even though I had a string of migraines.
photos: Top one of the pizzas wrapped and ready to go into the freezer. Second one of baked French Bread Pizza
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