With our economy in such a state, I think many of us are thinking about the what ifs. I know because we are self-employed, this is on our mind greatly. Prices going up and less people buying. It is a tough situation that makes us and many Americans feel powerless and nervous of what the future holds.
Right now we are able to pay our bills and do some nice things once in awhile but there are many things we don't have that I know we both just wish was a little easier...such as health insurance. We are not poor but I think of those that are...that I know are far worse off then us. I feel horribly sad that our country stands by watching so many suffer here and around the world.
In the USA there are 37.3 million people living below the official federal poverty level. Working 2 or more jobs and not able to pay bills, living without proper food, housing or healthcare. We are suppose to be the richest country in the world yet we have 37.3 million people living below poverty level. There is something fundamentally wrong with that to me.
As I said Michael and I aren't poor but we do have a budget and we are self-employed so it means that our work isn't consistent. But even though we at times struggle when we have it - we do give to others who are worse off. Helping out others in need. Now online there is so many ways to get involved also and donate, write, think and be active in creating a better world. Of course the Ghandi quote is coming to mind I am sure to many today - "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Here are some easy ways to get involved....
Check out 88 ways to do something about poverty RIGHT NOW
And also check out the list of resources on Blog Action Day. So many wonderful organizations that could use some help.
Ripple is a search engine that donates money to charities for each click and search.
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