With today being Memorial Day, it of course made me think of family and friends that have passed. It is normally a tradition to go and put flowers on the graves of those loved ones you have lost. But I haven't really ever been able to do that as I have lived so far away. I did give brief thought of what will happen - how will I fill when my parents pass and I can't visit their graves because I am so far away. It made me sad which is usual when I think of being so far from my family. But I really don't need to think about losing my parents anytime soon as they are both young. In fact it is my Mom's birthday tomorrow and she is very young for having a daughter who is 40.

Today though I really thought of both my Grandpa's - my Mom's Dad and my Dad's Dad. Both of them passed away quite a long time ago but I miss them. I did think of good happy memories of my Grandpas. I thought of playing cards with my paternal Grandpa as a little girl. He taught me how to play many card games and it is something I enjoy to this day. I remember riding with my Grandpa to pick up my Grandma from work and sitting real close to him because I just always wanted to be near him as he was my hero. He brought me to get ice cream cones and always liked the same ice cream -- anything with nuts but usually butter pecan or black walnut. (photo of my Grandpa and I - 1968)

And I think of my maternal Grandpa working on the farm. I don't have as many memories of him because he died when I was fairly young - I think 6 years old. But I remember watching him work on the farm. I see him saying grace at the head of the table. And I remember the feel his overalls against my skin when he held me on his lap. He had that smell of farm...it was the smell of grass and earth. (photo of my Grandpa when he was in the Army)
So today I kept them in my thoughts as well as other family and friends. And remembered good memories associated with each of them.
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