Saturday Michael called to say he was coming home! He wasn't suppose to be coming home until today so that made me happy. Especially since he will be gone so much in the next month. He has lots of work to do before he leaves the end of March. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of stuff I can do to help him so feeling a little useless. I do want to get started on spring cleaning though. I have several things I have already started to get ready for it.
Since Michael wasn't suppose to be home today we didn't get a corned beef brisket so this morning we got going early to the grocery store to pick up one. I don't like it at all so it will just be Michael enjoying it. Michael is Irish so not having corned beef on St. Patrick's Day is a sin ya know. So there is a brisket in the crockpot right now.
One thing I need to get done this week...putting this here so I can remember....I need to get our bill files sorted. I haven't made up the 2008 folders and it is March. Ugggh!
Something else I would like to do it some art. I haven't done art in a long time. I have done some digital stuff but nothing at my work table (which is mounded high of supplies and such that need to be organized). I bought a few new things last month hoping to inspire me to create but I am scared to create. It is a big block. I think I am going to have to force it - maybe doe some ATC's to help break the ice. I just am not sure what to do though to help get through it.
Well going to get to work....
I hope everyone has a fantastic St. Patrick's Day!
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