I recieved an epicurious newletter in my email today (maybe yesterday) -- it had a link to video tours of actress Debi Mazar's kitchen. I liked that her kitchen had clutter on some of the counters....things weren't matchy matchy. It wasn't a kitchen out of a magazine. It was just a kitchen. She talked about the glasses Madonna gave them for a wedding present being so nice they were scared to use them (I have dishes like that too). She had Trader Joe's pizzas in the freezer right along side chicken nuggets and ice cream. It just seemed all very real to me instead of the usual magazine layout type kitchen that looks like no one actually cooks in it.
Hmm what else...Just a little bit about Christmas presents...
I got some really great presents...not going to list them all or anything like that but I did want to mention a few! Michael and I did lots of movies to each other (that we bought together) but then our stocking were surprises. Michael gave me Big Love both seasons. We haven't seen season 2 yet. He also gave me The Princess Bride book, Godiva chocolate bars, a cute set of bowls with snowmen on them and then these really cool stickers. The images are taken from vintage luggage labels. I can't wait to use them but really would like to get an old suit case to use some of them on and then use it for storage.
The bowl set...Nesting Bowl set - from big to tiny (top to bottom)

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