My Aunt sent me this link...ABC's Person of the Week...was North Dakota. Our family is from there so it was kind of nice to see it.
ABC's Person of the Week: North Dakota
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Coffee Table....umm no End Table
Today a group I am part of asked that everyone post a picture of their coffee table. Well we don't have a coffee table but we have an end table so I decided to share them here as well....
The candle has dried slices of apple and scented like a caramel apple. Makes me always want to make an apple pie. The end table has 3 drawers in it. We have remotes, crossword puzzle books, finger nail file, cat toys in the top drawer and the other 2 are full of cds. The lamp on the table is kind of cool as the legs are adjustable to be a full standing floor lamp or as we have it on the table top. Behind the photos - a little oriental box and 2 books - one poetry book and another coffee table type book of Frank Lloyd Wright houses.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Dinner and Purple Hair

Michael had a meeting today at Borders coffee shop so I went to Michael's Arts and Crafts and Sally's Beauty Supplies which are nearby. I want to dye my hair purple so I went to check out the dyes they have...I found one that really is the color I want. And then another brand that was more pinky then purple. I am going to google reviews on the brands to see what I find about them. But hopefully soon I will have purple hair. I got done with Michael's Arts and Crafts and Sally's before Michael's meeting was done so I grabbed Eat, Pray, Love and camped out in a chair for a while. I really enjoyed what I read.
Going to finish making dinner...the smell is is making me hungry!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Yes we can!
Okay well today did it....I have been kind of holding back my political opinions and choices because I just felt like it is obvious this country needs a serious change and I think most people out there agree with that one. I had been leaning towards Edwards and Obama. But I just have been kind of watching from the sidelines through these primaries but today a friend posted a youtube video and a link to a NY Times article that sent it over for me. I felt that spark of passion and hope that REAL change can happen.
I remember Michael and I watching Obama speak years and years ago and looking at each other after -- inspired and amazed. We didn't like though at that time he stumbled over the words. The words really rocked but they just weren't delivered well. Well I think he has had some practice as watching this youtube video I actually cried. I cried because as I said above hope and passion were sparked in watching him.
So here is Obama's victory speech after the South Carolina primary
And here is an even more passionate article from Caroline Kennedy that had me in tears at the title.
Ending with a little quote from Obama in his victory speech in South Carolina:
I remember Michael and I watching Obama speak years and years ago and looking at each other after -- inspired and amazed. We didn't like though at that time he stumbled over the words. The words really rocked but they just weren't delivered well. Well I think he has had some practice as watching this youtube video I actually cried. I cried because as I said above hope and passion were sparked in watching him.
So here is Obama's victory speech after the South Carolina primary
And here is an even more passionate article from Caroline Kennedy that had me in tears at the title.
Ending with a little quote from Obama in his victory speech in South Carolina:
"Out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope; and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people in three simple words:
Yes. We. Can."
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Book Review: Twilight
My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
Teenagers Bella and Edward are star-crossed lovers because he has is a vampire and she is a human. But they can't fight their attraction. She is like a drug to him. As Eward says to Bella, "Exactly my kind of heroin." The story then unfolds into another vampire becoming fixated on Bella and Edward and his family trying to protect her.
I wasn't going to read it. I knew it was YA and I just thought okay it will be too high schoolish/immature for me to enjoy but after seeing several friends rave about it, I decided to give in. I enjoy vampire books and movies so I am not sure why I held back so long because it was such a good read. I read it 2 times right away. I want to own the series as they will be books I will keep coming back too.
Meyer's made me care about Edward & Bella and every other character in the book. She created an interesting story with compelling characters.
Warning: Have the 2nd book ready to go after reading the first!
View all my reviews.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Gratitude Friday

1. New warm pj bottoms that keep me warm that I got a Kohl's on clearance!
2. Making a friend happy by being able to send a friend something I had just sitting around...that she has wanted and will use.
3. The library having a website to order books online and they will have waiting for me! Easy pick up - especially since I never seem to find things where they are suppose to be in our library. I am anxiously awaiting Eat, Pray, Love and the 2nd book to the Twilight series!
4. For Godiva Chocolate -- Sao Tome Dark Chocolate with Cocoa Nibs - oh yums!
5. Michael always seeming to know what to do when I am overwhelmed and struggling.
I am grateful for each of those things and so much!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sick of being Sick

I have come down with what I think is a cold. It is weird. I feel fine for a little bit and then I feel like I have a full blown cold for the remainder of the day. And then feel fine but the whole process of going from sick to not sick is making me just worn out. And if it seems like I have seen sick all of January..that would be a correct assumption. I get done with one thing and have maybe a day or 2 and then go to the next thing! ugh! So lets hope February ends up being better!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Good Weekend...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I am just always pulled into vampire books so easy though. I thought I might have problems because it is aimed for young adults. And I think I was thinking it was going to be to high schoolish for me to get into but I was so wrong. I really just wanted to know what happened next. Vampires do it for me.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Gratitude Friday

5 Good Things in my Life...
1. Michael and I discussing possibilities for our 5 year anniversary!
2. Being productive and getting lots of work done.
3. is a really good book I am reading right now.
4. Laundry done! I can't stand laundry -- it is probably my least favorite chore.
5. Going on a date tonight with my love Michael! We haven't done something like that in a while so it will be nice to get away from the house together.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Migraine Cycle

It is hard because the cycles always pull me down. And so I have to work hard to not let it totally do me in.
Living with a phrase I wish I didn't know.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday Gratitude
* I received 2 packages this week! Thank you Aydeen and Kaylee! They were so wonderful....just like YOU! Thank you!
* Studio looking really good -- organized enough for me to create. I can actually see the table!
* The snow we had this week was so had this very serene feeling
* Food & Wine magazine making me drool with wonderful recipes - a few that I can't wait to try out.
* The crockpot...I love using the crockpot
* Tea with cream
* A friend from high school contacted me and she lives in Colorado too!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Day 3

Last nights news & weather didn't say anything about snow but we woke up to a very white covered yard. It was such a pretty snow. I should have grabbed the camera but now it is melting so not as pretty. But the cold weather did call for chili and cornbread. The house smells great right now.
Both Michael and I had a really good work day - very productive despite my migraines. I hope that my migraine is better tomorrow so I can get even more work done.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Numi Tea Dance

On the back of the package it says:
"For the perfect cup of tea bring fresh water to a boil and carefully pour over a bag of Golden Chai. As you dance with a loved one one, steep 3-5 minutes, to desired strength..."
So while the tea was steeping I read the package to Michael. And he grabbed me to dance. It was one of those moments that I just always want to remember.
Oh and the tea is very good too.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Amanda Soule is doing 30 days of shooting photos of just everyday things in her life over on her blog. And I really like the idea and I think I want to do that....maybe start February 1.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The Golden Compass

I really enjoyed the first books adventure. I liked the gyptians, the people at Jordan, Iorek Byrnison. I wish Pullman would have developed the characters more so that I really cared about them but he made me interested because of the adventure.
So I enjoyed the second book too but on the other hand when I think about some aspects of the story and Will, I just get annoyed with Pullman. Again I don't think he developed the characters enough to make me care about them. And I actually didn't even like Will all that much because of the lack of developement. But the story is what pulled me more through the book - wanting to know what happens in the story....where it goes next. I am not sure I really like how the story turned out either.
Which made me think about His Dark Materials books the other night and wondering what age are they aimed for? Because really I felt the 2nd book was really a lot darker then the first. And now putting it with the first it they are fairly dark books....and I wonder how much could a child even comprehend of what he is saying. Or even enjoy it?
Tomorrow I pick up the 5th of the Outlander series. So at least a new book. Eat, Pray, Love is still out so I am on the waiting list for it.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
No Focus
I am just not focusing well. Really I think both Michael and I are off our game right now. Really feeling out of it and tired. I had to re-measure flour the other night 2 times to get it right...I kept losing track. That is always frustrating.
I recieved an epicurious newletter in my email today (maybe yesterday) -- it had a link to video tours of actress Debi Mazar's kitchen. I liked that her kitchen had clutter on some of the counters....things weren't matchy matchy. It wasn't a kitchen out of a magazine. It was just a kitchen. She talked about the glasses Madonna gave them for a wedding present being so nice they were scared to use them (I have dishes like that too). She had Trader Joe's pizzas in the freezer right along side chicken nuggets and ice cream. It just seemed all very real to me instead of the usual magazine layout type kitchen that looks like no one actually cooks in it.
Hmm what else...Just a little bit about Christmas presents...
I got some really great presents...not going to list them all or anything like that but I did want to mention a few! Michael and I did lots of movies to each other (that we bought together) but then our stocking were surprises. Michael gave me Big Love both seasons. We haven't seen season 2 yet. He also gave me The Princess Bride book, Godiva chocolate bars, a cute set of bowls with snowmen on them and then these really cool stickers. The images are taken from vintage luggage labels. I can't wait to use them but really would like to get an old suit case to use some of them on and then use it for storage.
The bowl set...Nesting Bowl set - from big to tiny (top to bottom)

I recieved an epicurious newletter in my email today (maybe yesterday) -- it had a link to video tours of actress Debi Mazar's kitchen. I liked that her kitchen had clutter on some of the counters....things weren't matchy matchy. It wasn't a kitchen out of a magazine. It was just a kitchen. She talked about the glasses Madonna gave them for a wedding present being so nice they were scared to use them (I have dishes like that too). She had Trader Joe's pizzas in the freezer right along side chicken nuggets and ice cream. It just seemed all very real to me instead of the usual magazine layout type kitchen that looks like no one actually cooks in it.
Hmm what else...Just a little bit about Christmas presents...
I got some really great presents...not going to list them all or anything like that but I did want to mention a few! Michael and I did lots of movies to each other (that we bought together) but then our stocking were surprises. Michael gave me Big Love both seasons. We haven't seen season 2 yet. He also gave me The Princess Bride book, Godiva chocolate bars, a cute set of bowls with snowmen on them and then these really cool stickers. The images are taken from vintage luggage labels. I can't wait to use them but really would like to get an old suit case to use some of them on and then use it for storage.
The bowl set...Nesting Bowl set - from big to tiny (top to bottom)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Soul Meets Body in the New Year
It is asked what song could sum up your past year...and I am not sure what song would sum up my year but I do know Soul meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie really was one I played quite a bit.
"Soul Meets Body"
I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new
Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here
And I cannot guess what we'll discover
When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
It is 2008 and I know that what it feels like to be new....
Happy New Year!
"Soul Meets Body"
I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new
Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here
And I cannot guess what we'll discover
When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
It is 2008 and I know that what it feels like to be new....
Happy New Year!
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