It looks like it will be a good season...with the clips they showed at the end looks like their will be some drama. The talent is okay. I am not with Tim in saying this is the most talented crew. But that is maybe because I also have my heart still with season 1 when the designers seemed more amateur. I mean one of these people works at Ralph Lauren, others have had their own lines and Rami the winner for this episode designed for Jessica Alba. Ummm YOU don't NEED to be on project runway. Jay....season 1....that is to me the ideal winner someone who was in their hometown wishing they knew how to make that dream of fashion design come true. That is what I want again. And it seems like they get further and further from that each season. It just annoys me. Of course it doesn't annoy me to the point of not watching, but I felt the show was really predictable. All the same "types" of characters. The ones that will be quietly designing, the one that is kind of the gossip whore, the whiner, the antagonist so on and so forth. Blah Blah Blah!
So I didn't like the winner's dress really. I agreed with Michael Kors comment about it too...the flower thing. To me the dress has been done. It wasn't flattering on his model at all, but I understand they didn't see them until they were done designing the dress. Alison of last season got outed because her model didn't look good in her fabulous design. Tim called the model a "zaftig" model although she was far from it in my opinion. Rami's "zaftig" model looks bad in a blah design and wins. I just don't get that logic. I bet Rami gets rid of that model. Being bigger model isn't the reason I would get rid of her. She just was so stiff to me. She didn't smile....really she just looked pissed off to me.
A lot of the designs to me had 80's feel to it (especially Carmen). My favorites were Jack's and Kit's. (go here to see a photo of all the designs click on it to get a bigger view -- Jack's is first row - 3rd one and then Kit's is second row - last one).
I liked Chris March - his personality (he might be a mixture of Jay and Kayne in personality). And his design I think looked really good on his model the colorings of the gown were perfect for her. It looked good on the runway. But I think it has been done before too. Loved the fabrics though...very fluid and rich. (pausing for a moment because Michael just came home and we just had a 5 minute conversation about project runway...I knew one day I could convert him to a project runway fan.)
Christian is going to get annoying fast but loved his line about spending his money on clothes instead of a bed. I also think he has talent. I think I am going to like his designs - just not him. I liked the one for this episode but I didn't like the colors totally. Elisa is going to be trip. And annoy me fast. Her on the grass putting grass stains on the fabric to ensue it with a natural element...oh umm okay. And then her being the dress form...again roll of the eyes. I loved Heidi's line about her dress pooping fabric. I liked Sweet Pea's dress okay but that wouldn't look good on a lot of people. And Sweet Pea herself reminds me of someone I know. Kevin's design was teenage-ish to me. Victorya's design I liked. I remember Steven's bio video from last year. And he is Emmett to me. (again see they are casting the similar parts as other seasons).
I know I am sure it will grow on me I just am still very attatched to the first season and wish it was more like that.
Off to make dinner.
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