You know when I walked in to get my haircut I knew I should have waited as my favorite girl wasn't there today. So instead getting the 4 to 5 inches I wanted off...the stylist took 7 to 8 inches off. It is just a smidge past my chin. After I dye it tomorrow I will take pictures. I showed her how much I wanted off and she started in the back so I didn't see how much she was actually taking off until it was too late. When she got to the front....I knew....it was quite a bit shorter then I told her. Sad thing is that if I would have known she was taking that much off I would have told her to take one more inch and save my hair so that it could have went to locks of love - I think that is what upsets the most. All that hair lying on the floor could have been donated had she asked to take that much off.
It was just hard looking at it this short though and she is lucky I didn't start crying right there. I know it is only hair. It will grow back but just not feeling very happy about it. I am sure it will "grow" on me. Michael likes it and says it is cute so that is good. I was worried it was too short for him too.
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