Our Day...
Grocery Store - Our day started off with the going to the grocery store - It was a pretty big trip as we hadn't gone in 2 weeks. I am actually going to go brown some ground turkey after this post - to put in the freezer to use when needing a quick meal.
Library - after dropping off & putting all the groceries away we went out again...to the library to pick up 2 books they had on hold for me - the new Laurell K. Hamilton and then Outlander.
Dollar Tree - We don't have one here so it is a little trek to Delta. Picked up quite a few things - it is never just a "Dollar" Tree.
Snack - Then had a snack at a park before heading back to Grand Junction
Michael's - stopped at home to unloading our goods from Dollar Tree and then I grabbed the Michael's 50% off coupon. I got a book on book binding with the coupon. And then I used some of the money I earned when teaching the class I did a month ago. I got a cute little pumpkin basket and then other supplies like brushes, paper and ribbon. Though I just noticed that basket I got didn't ring up onsale there was a 40% sign right above it. So that is annoying. (I saw some really cute flip flops with pink skull and cross bones on them that I wanted to get for a friend who has lots of t-shirts and such with pink skull and cross bones on them.
Dinner - We stopped and got a big sub at the grocery store for dinner. And I am grateful for that as my head was pounding pretty bad by that time - smelled to many candles at Michael's. Ate dinner and watched TV with Michael a bit before we are going to do some work this evening.
After looking at all the Halloween decorations at Michael's I am really excited to decorate for Halloween. I bought several Halloween things on sale after Halloween last year at Kohl's so I am anxious to dig them out and put them up. (probably take pictures after I get some things up)
Tomorrow I will really have to get a move on it with the scanning project. Once I get that done I hope to do some art. I also have to start packing for our trip. We leave end of next week.
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