
- I just finished Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coehlo last week and it was very interesting and I as always with his books...want to read it again. I wish I would remember with his books to do what I do with others....use little sticky flags to mark things I want to come back too but I just get so engrossed in his books that I forget to stop and mark.
- I started He, She and It by Marge Percy. It is set in a futuristic earth and so far it is very interesting. It has lots of Jewish history in it and I really would like to know how accurate. The snippet of what Amazon says about it: "In the middle of the twenty-first century, life as we know it has changed for all time. Shira Shipman's marriage has broken up, and her young son has been taken from her by the corporation that runs her zone, so she has returned to Tikva, the Jewish free town where she grew up. There, she is welcomed by Malkah, the brilliant grandmother who raised her, and meets an extraordinary man who is not a man at all, but a unique cyborg implanted with intelligence, emotions--and the ability to kill"
- I started to make a list of spring cleaning...I try to list everything out that needs to be done. Home Comforts will be referenced tomorrow to make sure I am not forgetting anything. I also want to bake this week. I hope to make some scones this week and some whole wheat bread sticks.
- I got 2 adorable postcards recently! Thank you ladies they really did help me smile.
- We have been watching Frontier House. It is so different from Colonial House...I need to look up which came up first. I love Nate and his wife. Nate has GREAT attitude. In the midst of some hard times he always seems to smile and look at the bright side. I was surprised by some things going on but it still has been interesting to watch. (okay after I wrote that I got kind of obsessed reading PBS website on Frontier House and googling names from the show.)
- Today was better. I am still grieving and sad but I am not overwhelmed by it. I am just letting it come, cry, recall my memories and just let myself go through the process.
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