karma - I believe in karma and am thankful for karma because it at times is the only thing that keeps me on the higher path when I am faced with a hard situation that has made me sometimes so emotional that rational thought seems to lag behind.
kindness - I am thankful for all those who have shown me kindness. I am thankful for the opportunity to be kind also. I like being able to help people out and show them kindness that has been shown to me.
Kevin Smith - I am grateful to Kevin Smith for making me laugh and just being so wonderfully real.
- His art always makes me smile so I am grateful that he shares his works that make me feel all warm. (use quite a few of his works as icons/images here - such as the one on this entry)
kisses - I am very grateful for kisses...Michael gives me weak in the knees type kisses that make me melt into a puddle. I very grateful for his kisses. I also am thankful for just the act of kissing....it is a beautiful passionate act showing so much affection in it. It is something that can be done full of emotions from one end of the spectrum to the other.
kitchen - I think of the kitchen in my Grandma's farmhouse...it was the center of the house...the biggest room as it had the eating area attached to it...and everyone hung out there. It was warm and smelled so good. The kitchen was the heart of her home. And the love that came from there was apparent in all the people hanging out there. And that is something I feel my Grandma passed to my Mom as her kitchen has been the same way. As I grew up it always seemed to be the place to gather as she made it such a warm inviting personal space. I hope that the kitchen in our home is just as warm and loving as my Grandma and Mom's kitchens.