So tonight is when I should be doing a gratitude post and I will end it with it...but I do need to get the not so good stuff out of the way first.
Today was a little long. I didn't expect us to be where we were quite so long...either did Michael. By the time we got home I was feeling pretty...well...cranky. And I know Michael was too - we were just trying hard not too be grumpy with each other. So we get home and were going to check email and kind of veg. Just as we sat down to do that....power went out. There was a short circuit many blocks away...that affected our area as well as many others. And so we were without power for 2 1/2 hours. The candle smell was getting to me. The power going out just put me kind of on edge. So all and all today hasn't been the best. It wasn't horrible but not fantastic.
Oh a funny note during our power outage Michael sang to me. Actually he has a decent voice when he is being serious but he was singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall tonight...with kind of a country twang to it. Thank goodness I got him to stop at 94! It was that or Carpenters! See he makes me smile and laugh in the midst of....that day...a long, hot, tired, cranky, on edge type of day...smiles and laughter...that is what is about....awww love!
So Friday Gratitude...
I did the letter E on December 15th so I think I will do F tonight.
Family - I am very grateful to my family. We don't always agree. We don't always understand each other but we love each other very much. I have good memories that really show me the meaning of the family. That include my biological family and my chosen family. Chosen family is to me friends that are just so close that they aren't just friends they are family. You can be yourself with them and I am thankful for them also.
Friends - I have many friends and I am blessed by their support and just friendship. I am grateful for all that do and have done for me.
Food - I am grateful for food...yep I am...it nourishes me when I am lacking energy or a certain vitamins, it comforts me, it is an passion too...creating and sharing the things I cook with others.
Friday - Thank goodness it is Friday. Although we have lots of work to do this weekend. Fridays are usually the sign of the end of the week and just time to relax. Very nice day indeed!
Fabulous - I am thankful for the word fabulous because there are just so many fabulous things in this world from incense that makes the house smell fabulous to fabulous friends who I can laugh, cry and vent with, fabulous socks I got from sock dreams recently. Fabulous!
Female - I am grateful to be female. I love being a woman.
Future - I am grateful to be able to look forward to our future. We have goals and dreams that we are working towards for our future.
Falling - I am grateful for falling although it probably pains me to say that. But it is true. I am grateful for falling so that I learned how to try again and keep trying.
Faces - I love faces. I have a thing for faces. I love the all the different looks...each unique. Some hard and worn with age and hard work. Others innocent, soft just starting their journey through life.
Fur Babies - we have 2 kitty cats that our babies. I love and adore them. I also think of Cali too when I think of fur babies.
Fairy Tales - Princess and dreams! I am grateful to dream and escape through Fairy tales.
Firefly - It is a Joss Whedon creation that I really enjoy...great characters & writing.
Frida - Frida Kahlo an amazing artist that I find new inspiration through every time I see a painting or read about her.
Free Speech - Being able to say what we want....is something I think that is slowly being taken away. Those that seem to speak against the government get told they are not patriotic. Anyway, I am thankful for free speech and hope it will be around for a long time.
Fall - my favorite season. It is beautiful - crisp & colorful.
Faith - my favorite word. Faith...in self, in him and I, in the journey...faith in so much.
Fairies - I have several Amy Brown prints with fairies and a book of her art. They are so playful, sensual, magical.
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