Merry Christmas!
I just turned my computer on for the first time about 20 minutes ago. It has been a wonderful Christmas. Last night Michael and I had an amazing dinner....stuffing ourselves with all the delicious things on the table and drinking a bottle of mead. It was really perfect with the ham. It did make me a little tipsy and I was a wee-bit more flirty then I have been in a while. It was fun though. After cleaning up, we went and looked at lights. This years theme seemed to be cut out lighted palm trees (yes Kate that made me think of you). One of our Christmas presents to ourselves was a new dvd storage unit. The one we have now is wide so takes up most of the hallway where we store it and we ran out of space in it awhile ago. So Michael and I put the new one together last night. And then headed to bed as we were both tired and wanted Santa to visit our house.
This morning Michael and I both woke up really early so we said why not get up. So we did....and Santa did an amazing job on our stockings! Lots and lots of goodies....one being Godiva chocolates for me. Yum! After we opened our stockings we got the cats going on their stockings. We got them some new toys and replaced nip packets in some of their other toys but their favorite toys...were the stir straws that I put in there at the last moment remembering we had a packet up of them in their cupboard. So the thing that was free basically is the thing that they enjoyed the most. figures!
We had some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then we opened packages. Our stockings had been a surprise this morning but our gifts together this year the storage unit but also tons of movies weren't a surprise. The day after thanksgiving had really good movie sales - 3.50 to 10 dollars and so we really stocked up. The gifts from family and friends though were of course. After opening gifts there was a knock on our door....it was the postman he had a gift for us from my one of my best friends Aydeen and her husband. It was very fun receiving a gift on Christmas! Thank you Laz and Aydeen - Michael and I love the gifts!
One of my gifts was the Alias DVD set - all 5 seasons. Michael and I had watched all of season 4 on TV except the last episode of season 4. So this morning we watched that and then watched the first episode of season 5! And then another episode tonight. WOW! (Can't wait to see where you are at with the season Mandy...I can't believe the first episode OMG!) We also watched the first part of the Chronicles of Riddick and will watch the 2nd part after I am done posting.
It really was a relaxing day...we watched movies and Alias, ate yummy food, and napped!
The best part of the day was captured in words that Michael wrote in a card he gave me....really our gift is the gift of being togehter and taking this journey together. So today I was with the man I love and enjoyed another perfect day...it was the perfect gift....being together.
I hope everyone had a magical Christmas full of love and joy!
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