Today we voted. Our new voter machines were pretty slick. But I am sure still have faults. But as you voted on the screen it printed out on paper right next to you so you could see it. It was a longer wait as they have to do more upfront to get you ready to actually vote.
We had dinner tonight and then have been snuggled up on the couch glued to CNN. I am just so disappointed in all the votes against domestic partnerships and the vote for making marriage one man and one woman here in Colorado. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised when we have some very big name political-religious groups here that are SO anti-homosexual.
To me God is love. I don't believe God would be rallying against love like those say they are God's followers do. Makes me sad.
Although I am sad and disappointed we do have some good things happening such as taking the majority in the HOUSE!
We are waiting now on the senate race.
Virgina wow...close so close! It looks like it will go to Webb (lets hope).
Missouri still waiting on.
Montana still waiting on.
Back to CNN, Michael and the kitty cats all snuggled up on the couch.
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