Today I express gratitude for things that begin with the letter C....
~ color: I am grateful for the colors...of the world. Seeing the fall colors right now has made me appreciate color even more. It is bright, deep, intense, beautiful.
~ chocolate: Chocolate..well...need I say more? I am so thankful for chocolate in all forms and variations. It is sinfully delightful.
~ Carolynn: Carolynn is a beautiful kind smart woman that I am blessed to call my friend
~ collage: It is my favorite medium to work in...different layers, different perspectives, different colors and textures...all coming together.
~ coloring books and crayons: Coloring books and crayons they are so fun to play with even as an adult! At time to just escape back into the magic of them.
~ charcoal drawings: I like doing and like seeing other charcoal drawings...the texture of the charcoal on the surface is so intense to me.
~ charcoal: I love the feel of it in my hands....the feeling as I run it across a piece of paper...even the smell of it
~ cooking: I enjoy cooking and am grateful to be given the opportunities to cook for others. (started a
cooking blog)
~ cookbooks: They are like a good book....sit down and read all the ingredients, the instructions and beautiful pictures....I can get lost in them.
~ Coldplay: One of my favorite bands.
~ creating your own reality: I am grateful for the ability to create my reality. Make my life whatever I want it to be.
~ computer: well...it keeps me in touch with tons of friends, it helps me create digital art, help me in my work and just allows me to do so much
~ camera: to take pictures in my life
~ cats: Our babies...we have 2 cats and I love them to pieces...they are very cute and adorable!
~ candles: I like to burn them...the smell the warmth the energy
~ cheesecake, cookies,cupcakes: Sweets...all good things that I enjoy!
~ Christmas: my favorite holiday....it is one that my Mom made special and I will always try to do the same as I love that meaning behind it.
~ cider: apple cider season...is here and so yummy!
~ compassion: seeing it around me, giving it, receiving it
~ creativity: I am always grateful when I have creativity around
~ connections: friends, family, Michael....grateful for all of my connections
~ cards: mailing, getting yay for card!
~ cuddling: feeling Michael's arms wrapped around me....makes me feel very loved and cared for
~ Chinese food: For it give satifies my tastes buds and fills my stomach. I could eat it everyday
~ Colorado: where I live....it is a VERY beautiful state and I am blessed to live here