Christmas Eve....I baked a ham with a honey mustard glaze. Served it with creamed potatoes, green beans and herb rolls. After dinner we took a drive to look at all the lights and tried to take some pictures of us downtown in front of the big Christmas tree but that was not working out well.
Christmas Day....Our day was very very relaxed...in fact I actually slept a lot! I think the month finally caught up with me plus I was having a horrible time with allergies. So we ate, watched movies and took naps all day long! Michael and I watched Polar Express and we both loved it! We watched Bourne Supremacy too. It was a DVD Christmas - we got Bourne Surpremacy, Meet Joe Black, Serenity and the Firefly TV series box set.
I think Santa thought we were really good this year as there were lots of presents under our tree. I got everything from domestic things: cookie cooling racks, new kitchen utensils, pie shields, measuring spoon and tea. To art things: Rubber stamps, little tags, cutting mat and brads. To books and movies: I got Paulo Coehlo's book The Zahir...that I started reading right away as I love his books so much! I also got Nick Bantock's book Urgent 2nd Class that I have been wanting for a while too. I got the coolest trivet - I found a picture of online. A calendar called ArtPlay that has great collages in it, a gift certificate and journal from my sisters. Michelle wrote in journal combine that with the card she gave and of course I was tears. It was one of those hallmark moments! We got great presents from Michael's parents too...such as the bears that I already posted a picture of...they were just part of the presents! So as I said Santa was very good to us!
Dec. 26 - yes we did it...we were out in the after Christmas shopping. I picked up a few things with the gift certificate my sister gave me. Plus we stocked up on Christmas wrap, tags and ribbon as we were OUT! Completely OUT! Michael had to do some creative wrapping on Christmas Eve.
Skipping to New Years Eve....I was sick with a cold. So we were kind of boring. We made potstickers and crab ragoon and then just watched movies until close to midnight when we watched the Dick Clark special being replayed for mountain time. We toasted in the New Year with a Carlson wine....Fat Cat Muscat! Yum! And then went to bed shortly there after....as I said we were boring!
New Years Day....we are doing what we did Christmas Day...sleep, eat and watch movies because I have a cold.
All in all..the holidays were nice even with being sick. It was quiet and relaxing which I know we both appreciated although we were thinking of our families and missing them. At Christmas time I try to do some reflecting on where my life is and how grateful I am for everything in it....and this year was no different. Nothing earth shattering uncovered....just that I am very happy to be with Michael and am grateful for having him in my life.
We hope that everyone has a VERY Happy New Year!
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