Please take 30 seconds, go to the Bristol-Meyers Squibb (BMS--a drug company) site below and light a candle -- the company will donate $1 towards AIDS/HIV research...
By going to this web site and "lighting" a candle you can help raise MILLIONS of dollars for HIV+ / AIDS organizations around the world. This is at NO COST TO YOU! Bristol-Meyers Squibb has capped the donation at $100,000 but each candle is a show of force.
It's as easy as 1-2-3. Simply …
1) go to the site - it will start with an ad for 'Reyataz', a drug
2) wait for it to load an animation which forms the continents of the World
3) click on a continent to "light a candle". You will be asked to which you want to dedicate your candle: strength, hope, health, love....
For EVERY candle lit BMS will donate one dollar. The donation will be made on World AIDS Day, December 1st. The event will be televised on the TODAY Show (NBC).
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