Some random tidbits of life....

This month I was very busy and it seems like that is coming to an end - at least for this project. So now I need to get busy on Michael's website which actually the design is already started and the coding is too. I also need to get busy on Christmas cards and presents.
- I was going to get my own domain name with my name in it and so I did a search on a few weeks ago and it came up available. Last week Michael was going to go buy it for me and it ended up not being there. So that does not mean good things about godaddy to me. So now I am back to trying to figure out a domain name or just getting a subdomain on Michael's site.
- It was my birthday last week and I was dreading turning 38. I did the same thing when I was 28. (2 years from big 30 and now 40.) I was depressed and didn't want to celebrate. And this year was kind of the same. I had told Michael a few weeks before my birthday that I wished I could just be a little girl again and so that is exactly what he created for me. After talking to my Mom on my birthday, he had me cover my eyes and led me into the dining room. There he had set the table with little kid happy birthday paper table cloth, paper plates, cups and then presents wrapped in little kid wrapping paper. It was very cute and a lot of fun!
Michael gave me much art goodness! Ultrecht had canvas' onsale a few weeks ago and so he ordered me 19 of them and they arrived on my birthday. He also gave me a several collages packs. Plus a bunch of other fun stuff.
- I received some gift certificates to Michael's Arts and Crafts from Mom and Dad and so I went and spent some of those yesterday too. So I am really stocked with lots of exciting materials to use. It is my hope to get in there and create some things this week. I also added the piece I did for my sister April's birthday to my Art Blog.
- I have been hooked on tea lately. Tazo Chai Black Tea is very good. It has cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, black pepper and other ingredients that make it not only taste great but smell incredible.
- We had a new wine from Carlson Vineyards the other night. It was their new Laughing Cat label and it was Sweet Baby Red. It was not too sweet and really a great dinner wine. I had made chicken, rice and vegetables and it really complimented the meal nicely. I have a recipe for Red Wine Risotto I think it would be really good in also.
- Michael had me go to the Doctor's office to just get a check on my blood pressure and it is going down! It was really great compared to the scare I had at the beginning of the month with it. Both he and I were really happy it is going down.
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