Well obviously time has slipped away from me again as I haven't updated in a while. I have just been very busy with work and other appointments going on as well. The "girls" trip was a lot of fun. The only problems were hang ups at the airport. I wouldn't mind ever going into O'Hare again.
This past weekend Michael's parents, Frank and JoAnne, were here. We had a really exceptional weekend. Friday we spent the day running errands. We went to lunch, then to pick up some wine from our favorite winery. They have a lot of new kinds out so it was hard to chose. We ended up getting our favorite FatCat Musecat and then they have a new label called Laughing Cat and we got the Sweet Baby Red from that. Maybe we will save them for my birthday.
After the winery - later that evening we went to buy frames and mats for some photos. Michael's sister is going to be doing some Art and Craft shows and offered to put up some of his photos. Michael and I were really in sync on communicating that night and I think we had our own little language going on. We knew what we were looking for and what we wanted without having to use very many words with each other.
Friday Morning I had a doctor's appointment and had a little bit of a scare. My blood pressure was extremely high. And so they had me stay and just try to relax (which of course was hard when I was so upset that it was high) so that they could retake it and see if it came down. It did but not as much as my doctor would have liked so she put me on BP medicine. I am not thrilled about that but it guess it is better then having it so high.
Saturday we went on a day trip and I do mean a day trip - a full day. We went on the Gateway Loop as I call it - I am sure Michael might have another name for it. It was a GREAT day! We had a marvelous time! Michael and his parents took tons of pictures. There are some areas on the loop that are not very good for parking the car so we took our walkie talkies and I dropped them all off to take picture and went and parked elsewhere while they took pictures. And then after they were done they would call me and I would come pick them up. It worked out good.
In Gateway, they now have resort...well kind of resort. It is almost a little village. It has a BEAUTIFUL hotel, several restaurants, a grocery store, a gift shop, and then they are adding an auto museum and several other things. The architecture and landscaping reminded me of Santa Fe so much...and made me miss it even more.
The loop has every type of terrain....from desert where you see red dirt, catcus and red desert mountains to mountains that look like the Swiss alps with snow on the tops, rocky rivers, fall colors, deer and elk. We had sunshine and were comfortable in short sleeves and then by the second leg of the trip it was raining and we were bundled up in sweatshirts and coats. But it all was so beautiful.
Sunday we worked Michael's parents. We had a whole team effort in framing the pictures. Michael cleaned the glass and put the pictures together. Mom was quality inspection and handing Michael photos and mats. Dad installed the hardware on the backs to hang them. And then I touched up a few frames and then made up all the labels, signs and business cards. After working all day we had dinner at the Rockslide Brewery.
This week I have been working on websites - yes multiple sites right now. But it is all coming together very well and I am happy about that. I was very nervous that the one site would not be done by the deadline but it is coming together just right. (feel like I should knock on some wood as I say that.)
Today is one of my Grandma's birthday's! And then Saturday was the other. I hope they both have/had wonderful birthday's.
I better get back to work. I will ask Michael to post some pictures of the day trip tonight.