Friday - Was Pizza and Movie night. I made a honey wheat crust that was pretty good but still having issues with pizza dough and altitude. While we watched Spiderman 2, I organized collage items. I cut and tore out items in ads, magazines, and junk mail -- then sorted them into plastic envelope type thingies. I found some luscious papers and such in my wine magazine. While going through junk mail, I found a Lowe's gift card. It was $10 off a $25 purchase. I showed it to Michael right away as it expired on May 1. He said, "what will we get there?" I listed a few things we needed and He said, "okay" - so we put that on the schedule for Saturday.
Saturday - I woke up with a note from Michael saying he went to grab breakfast for us! That was so nice! We had breakfast and then got ready to go out for the day. We spent 3 hours in Lowe's..yes 3 hours....and my did we find things. We left spending quite a bit. Oh, I was in heaven in Lowe's for collage supplies...paint chips are my friend. I also found some tack cloth that I am going to use in a painting...gluing it to the canvas before I paint it After that we ran home to have some lunch and then back out. On to Home Depot to find the other things we could not find at Lowe's -- and then on to Pet SMART. We needed kitty cat food. They had all sorts of cats in cages at the front for adoption. We saw 2 that looked like Caesar. They were so cute. Michael of course made friends with them all. I made one of Michael's favorite for dinner Beef Stroganoff and then we watched another movie.

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