I am home. I arrived in Colorado on Monday but there was a snow storm that didn't allow me to get back to Grand Junction until Wednesday.
I went with the main purpose to see my Uncle. And it went okay. It was really hard.
My Uncle is 53 years old and was diagnosed with a rare aggressive cancer. And so it is most likely he won't be around much longer so I -had- to go see him. I needed to see him and give him a hug and tell him I love - which I did both those things a couple time. I wasn't able to see him as much as I wanted but I am SO GRATEFUL for the time I had with him. And I hope to get to see him in May when I go back for my Mom's 60th birthday.
I was able to see him a couple of times and each have these moments I want to remember.
My Uncle holding my hand and squeezing it. It was hard for me not to cry. When we were getting ready to leave, he hugged me and he said he hates saying good bye. And I said that he would see me again before I went back to Colorado. I just kept my arm around him and told him I loved him.
The next time I was able to see him was Easter. He had his first chemo treatment on Friday. And then Saturday he wasn't suppose to have any visitors and just rest. Then Sunday all my family - extended family went to their house for Easter. We all brought stuff so my Aunt wouldn't have to do anything.
My Uncle was nauseous almost constantly. So there wasn't much visiting with him. Just being with him. And I was fine with that. Then came the time he said he had to lay down and needed to say good bye. So I gave him a hug and told him I loved him. And he told me I give good hugs.
Easter was Sunday of course and then Monday morning I flew out. He isn't doing good at all. So I am hoping that things improve. I know he won't be better. And won't be cancer free. He is most likely not someone that will go into remission. All of this is to help him not suffer so much and give him more time.
I want to go back in May. I am selfish and want to see him again.