Today has been a VERY busy, productive day but a very good day too. In a nutshell...painted the deck, cleaned up, lunch, shopping where Michael spoiled me, picking up lots of wine, went to Sam's, coming home putting things away and then collapsing on the couch, watching The Departed, enjoying a glass of wine and having sandwiches for dinner. We had a fun day just doing things together all day. Even painting the deck. :)
The Departed was really good! We had not seen it and got it as a blockbuster 3 for $20 on previously rented movies. Might be watching Pursuit of Happiness in a little bit. But not sure I will be able to stay awake for it.
Well I started to read a book that I found buried in my bookshelf that I hadn't read...
Waking Beauty...I am so annoyed with the book that I don't think I will even finish it. I think I got it at a used bookstore
years ago. So I picked it up the other night and within the first page and even after a few pages it is losing me. It is talking about all these places, people, and things that have no meaning to me because the author is not explaining them....at first. He begins to but not complete enough to make me -get it- at all and become a part of the book. The book is divided not only into chapters but parts. So I am reading part 1 and trying to be patient hoping they explain what all the names of their gods, legends and so forth mean. The title of the book
Waking Beauty
comes from a legend of their community/world/whatever....and the men get strapped down at night, nose plugged and tubes put in their throat - because otherwise they will be intoxicated by the call of Beauty. The men's wives/mothers look after them while they sleep. Men can smell Beauty and basically be so intoxicated by her smell that they follow her anywhere. She from the sounds of it kills them to gain power. I really can't tell you if that is for certain as the book just was so confusing to me.
But I do kind of get caught up into what seems like the 2 main characters Cy and Rose. They are about to married. Where they live - men are in charge (despite them being tied down at night). Cy at one point says that Rose is so pretty that all the men seem to give into her so he was going to have to take a firm hand to her. So as I said I got caught up in seeing where Cy and Rose go in the story...well that lasted 1 night. I am doing a spoiler....
Rose didn't strap Cy down on their wedding night and Beauty came and got him. So the town calls for her to be taken away and banished from their sight as she no long exists because she failed her husband. They have a man come in shave her hair off (something she was known for) and then chain her up leading her out of town. And from what I could tell she was being taken to another town where she would be a prostitute. Okay there ends part 1. I started reading part 2 and ALL NEW NAMES, ALL new legends, all new stories and no where am I finding Rose. I finally figure out Rose basically has a new name/title ((Cat - that is what they call prositutes in the book)) but I can't follow what the heck is going on so I gave up I have closed the book and I really don't think I am picking it up again.
I actually think now I am out of books again too.
Michael is scaring me....he is looking at Jeff Gordon merchandise....saying I need a Jeff Gordon sleep shirt --- I told him I thought it would give me nightmares. He then sent another link and said we need to redecorate the living room....
a Jeff Gordon recliner. He sent that to me via im and I used every negative emoticon (pulling hair out, sick, crying, nailbiting and so on).
I think I am going to post this and then clean off my work table and work on the altered book finally.