2. Allergy medicine to help with the extreme sinus pain I have been going through.
3. Migraine medicine to help dull the spiking pain in my head even a little - 3 days of migraines.
4. Peanut Butter cookies we have been enjoying this week that Michael's niece and nephew made last weekend.
5. Getting mail love! Socks! I participated in a sock swap with friends. I got bluish green socks with purple stripes that are oh so soft!
6. Michael being hooked on Joss-verse by watching Angel! (I am huge Joss Whedon fan - Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)
7. Clean sheets on the bed...I love the smell of clean sheets! This set we got each other for christmas - 600 thread count - in terra cotta! So pretty!
8. My old ragged Teddy Bear that Michael gave me shortly after I moved here...I still at 39 years old sleep with a Teddy Bear at times and I love my ragged bear.
9. Being able to see my sister's last weekend!